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by Cozette Laubser

SENSES is a free e-book intended for individuals who want to awaken their senses and embark on a journey of being sensory aware and content in everyday moments.



deur Cozette Laubser

SINTUIE is 'n gratis e-boek wat bedoel is vir individue wat hul sintuie wil wakker maak en 'n reis onderneem om sensories bewus en tevrede te wees in alledaagse oomblikke.

The Art of Co-Creating

by Dr Melodie de Jager,
Mariettte Snyman
& Cozette Laubser

This book is for the woman who wants to become a mother, but where to start?

The first chapter is free to read by clicking here or on picture above.

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By Melodie de Jager,
Oleg Efimov, Victoria Efimova

It appears that the brains of children with learning difficulties, for some reason, do not process information about the force of gravity very well. This can result in learning problems because, for the brain to work optimally, it has to give priority to the relationship between the body and gravity.

The first chapter is free to read by clicking here or on picture above.

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El Brillo De Mis Arrugas

por Melodie de Jager

El Brillo de mis Arrugas es una inspiradora guía llena de anécdotas y sugerencias sobre cómo envejecer positiva y elegantemente, con actividades energizantes y con la Mente en Acción. El libro contiene abundantes fotos de gente mayor  realizando entusiásticamente las bien conocidas actividades Mente en Acción, que son estupendas para mejorar tu calidad de vida; sin importar tu edad y tus circunstancias.

The first chapter is free to read by clicking here or on picture above.

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Tant De Joie De Vivre Sous Mes Rides
par Melodie de Jager

Tant De Joie De Vivre Sous Mes Rides est un guide inspirant rempli d'anecdotes et de suggestions sur la manière de vieillir avec élégance, de rester positif, de pratiquer des activités énergisantes et des MindMoves®. Le livre est rempli de photos de personnes vieillissantes démontrant avec enthousiasme les activités bien connues de Mind Moves, qui sont excellentes pour améliorer votre qualité de vie, quelle que soit votre âge et votre situation.

The first chapter is free to read by clicking here or on picture above.

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Die glinster in my grysheid
deur Melodie de Jager

Die glinster in my grysheid is 'n inspirerende gids vol staaltjies en voorstelle vir ouer mense hoe om 'n kwaliteit lewe te lei ten spyte van die feit dat mens ouer word. Dit wys jou hoe om jou lewe op te kikker deur konstruktiewe denke, energiegewende aktiwiteite, fisieke oefeninge en Mind Moves®. Die gids is ryklik geïllustreer met foto's van energieke ouer mense wat steeds glinster in hul grysheid - ongeag hul omstandighede.

The first chapter is free to read by clicking here or on picture above.

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The twinkle in my wrinkle

by Melodie de Jager

The twinkle in my wrinkle is an inspirational guide filled with anecdotes and suggestions on how to age gracefully with positivity, energising activities, exercises and Mind Moves®. The book is filled with photos of ageing people enthusiastically demonstrating the well-known Mind Moves exercises, which are superb for enhancing your quality of life - regardless of your circumstances.

The first chapter is free to read by clicking here or on picture above.

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